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Core Values

Our Core Values

God is Good 

This truth is the foundation of our faith.  The unceasing goodness of God was placed on display through the life and message of Jesus Christ. We know that God works all things for the good of those who love Him. Because of His goodness, we are called to dream big.

Focused on his presence

God delights in his people and desires to dwell among us. We are called to focus on God’s Presence through worship, prayer and His written Word. We have a mandate to gather and equip worshipers in our region; to fill the earth with a knowledge of the glory of God. 

Jesus is Model for our Ministry

Jesus modeled the ministry that is possible through a life lived in intimacy and obedience to the Father. Through Christ’s sacrifice, the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit is available to all believers. Supernatural ministry reveals the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Salvation Restores Identity

At the time of salvation, we become a new creation with a desire to please God. But, we must learn how to live from our new identity. Transformation starts with receiving healing, wholeness and restor-ation. Our identity in Christ moves us into our destiny and calling.   

Advancing the Kingdom

Jesus ushered in His kingdom with the message, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” We advance the Kingdom by sharing Christ’s message, then releasing righteousness, peace and joy into our world. Our heart cry and prayer is, “On earth as it is in Heaven!

Stewarding the Prophetic

God is still speaking. He invited us to know and hear his voice. Prophesy is conveying a message from God in order to strengthen, encourage or comfort others. As a community, we seek to steward prophetic words, cultivating them until they have come to fulfillment 

A heart for our city

We are called to love and serve our community well. We will see expanding Kingdom impact as believers are released into the 7 gates of cultural influence. We declare a message of hope over our city, and believe that transformation will emerge at every level of society.

Culture of Honor

Honor is vital to the environment that hosts the Presence of God. We walk in honor as sons and daughters of the King. When we start to recognize people in their God-given identities, we position ourselves to give them honor and are able to “call out the gold” we see in them.

Healthy Relationships
& Families

Family is the crowning glory of all creation, and it was at the heart of God’s design for His church. But, as a result of the fall we see the damage of broken relationships and fractured families. We are called to help lead in restoring healthy relationships and thriving families.  

Atmosphere of Hope

Hope is the joyful anticipation of God’s goodness. It creates the atmosphere that fuels our faith. We know that whoever has the most hope has the most influence. When we introduce people to the God of Hope, hopelessness flees and circumstances cannot stay the same.

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