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There is one true God who is eternal and limitless in nature.  He is the Creator, Sustainer and Sovereign Ruler of all things.  God is one being in three persons, existing in perfect fellowship as God the Father,

God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

The Father

God the Father is the first member of the Trinity.  We see a reflection of His beauty, majesty and divine order in all that has been created.  His unceasing goodness is on display through such attributes as His love, truth, righteousness, mercy and holiness. He is all-knowing,

all-powerful and over all things.

The Son

Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God, who was present in the beginning.  He entered the world as the “Word made flesh,” conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.  Jesus ushered in His Kingdom on the earth through a message of hope, which was demonstrated through miracles, signs and wonders.  Although fully God and fully man, He set aside the privileges of His deity to model a life lived in

perfect obedience and intimacy with the Father.  

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit indwells and seals all believers at the time of salvation.  He is also the promised gift of God, first poured out on the day of Pentecost.  This baptism in the Spirit remains available to all believers—empowering us to be witnesses of the Gospel and to minister supernaturally.  The Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God, providing wisdom, revelation and conforming believers to the image of Christ.  This sanctifying work of the Spirit enables us to pursue a life of holiness.

The Bible

The Bible is the complete and accurate Word of God, carrying His full authority. It was written by men through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and is aimed to lead us into an encounter with the Living God.  The Bible contains God’s story of redemption, and from beginning to end is a revelation of Jesus Christ.  It is our primary source for teaching and correction, providing a guide for godly living.


It was God’s desire to create a family who would dwell in His presence, experiencing the depths of His love and joy forever.  We were made in God’s image. God formed man’s body from the dust of the earth, breathed into him—giving man a spirit, and he became a living soul.  We have been called as co-laborers to take dominion of the earth and fill it with

a knowledge of the glory of God. 

The Fall

Since the fall of Adam humanity has had an inborn nature to live in rebellion against God.  It was this fall from grace that caused sin, death and darkness to enter the world—marring all of creation.  Because of sin, a separation remains between God and man.  The Old Testament contains vivid illustrations of the power of sin—and man’s powerlessness to restore a right relationship with God.

The Cross & Salvation

It was God’s plan to restore creation to its original intent through the work of His Son.  Jesus lived a sinless life, then took the sin of the world upon Himself.  He died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice.  On the third day Christ arose from the dead, conquering sin and death. Now, anyone can be restored to a right relationship with God by repenting, believing and receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord.

The Church

The Church is the hope of the world.  Biblically known as the Ecclesia—called out ones—the church has been appointed as Christ’s governing body to advance His kingdom on the earth.  We have been commissioned to disciple all nations, baptize believers and teach them to obey God’s commands. We are also to proclaim the Good News and destroy the works of the devil—bringing healing, wholeness and restoration to the world.   

The Future 

The Kingdom of God is advancing.  The Gospel will be preached to all nations—then the end of this age will come. Jesus Christ will return for His victorious bride, the Church. Heaven and hell are real places.  There will be a resurrection of the saved and the lost, the first to eternal life and the last to eternal judgment.  The Lord will fully establish His rule and reign: “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end…”  

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